Eva Debevc

Eva Debevc graduated in Biology from the Faculty of Biotechnology, University of Ljubljana, where she is currently pursuing her Master’s degree in Molecular and Functional Biology.
In 2021, she attended mentorship programme training at Kersnikova – Institute for Contemporary Investigative Art, where she currently works as a mentor in Rampa lab and a researcher in Vivarium lab. As part of her mentoring work, she runs workshops at the intersection of science and art at Rampa, konS hubs around Slovenia, primary schools and other locations. Eva si developing new workshops, combining approaches of DIY techniques, ‘bio-hacking’ and electrical engineering (Biotecture, Gastro Guide to the Future, Evolution Bacteria!, Tales of Micelium, Sonic Bionics…). In her research work she is interested in living materials, especially mycelium and its relationships with other organisms, technology and sound. She helps guest artists to prepare projects and workshops she also participates in (myCoBiont – Mushroom: Growing material from mycelium, Mary Maggic: Co-cultivating with fungi, Martin Howse: Radio Mycelium, Maja Smrekar and Gjino Šutić: Fertilize Me, Adam Zaretsky: Field Notes from a Transgenic Animal Facility & Making Others With Others, ART4MED: Quorum Sensing: Skin Flora Signal System…). As part of the project ml-iso|la|ti|o|nis|mus, by artist Taro Knopp, she co-created two art installations, which were exhibited in a module of the Kapelica Gallery and at the CreaTures festival at the Real Fabrica de Artilleria in Seville.